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Fat is good for us. WHAT? Yes, you heard me right. Fat is important for energy, cellular health, absorbing vitamins A,D,E,K, lowering inflammation (Essential Fatty Acids, or EFAs). BUT  the TYPE of fat we eat makes a big difference. Stay away from trans fats, greatly limit saturated fats (think animals), and focus on UNsaturated fats (think plants). 

MUFAs and PUFAs and EFAs

These are the unsaturated fats you should be eating. MUFAs (mono unsaturated fats) are found in olive oil, olives, nuts, avocados, nut butters. PUFAs (poly unsaturated oils) are found in nuts, safflower/sunflower/corn/soybean/cottonseed oils. Limit these oils. EFAs (essential fatty acids) are found in flax seed, walnuts, chia seeds. Eat more of these. 

Animal proteins have saturated fat, so choose wisely. Saturated fat is linked to heart disease, inflammation, weight gain. These fats are solid at room temperature (butter, lard, cheese, animal fat). 

An easy way to remember which proteins have the least amount of fat is to think of this sentence:

The more legs my food has, the more fat it contains.

For example:

cows/pigs = 4 legs – the most fat

chicken/turkey = 2 legs – less fat

fish = no legs- even less fat

beans = no legs- no fat

(Insects are not included in this chart, but feel free to try some if you’re given the opportunity. 

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